(844) 682-3368

Lower Denture Problems. Can DenSureFit Help?

That lower denture. That pesky lower that simply floats on my gum line and just never wants to behave and stay down. It pops up. I glue it in. That lasts for a little while, but after a bit, especially if I try to drink coffee, the adhesive starts dissolving. My...

Soft Liner vs. Soft Reline

“What is the difference between a soft liner and a soft reline?” DenSureFit gets asked this question frequently. Some denture wearers might hear about soft liners from their dentist and then they hear that DenSureFit is a soft reline. “What is the difference?” they...

DenSureFit Denture Liners Let You Smile Again

If you wear dentures, you may experience a host of problems with some over the counter denture liners and adhesives. The glue obviously doesn’t taste very good, and the unsavory flavor persists as the adhesive drips down your throat. Daily applications can get old,...

The Perfect Alternative to Cushion Grip

It can be frustrating to lose access to a product that you have been depending on like the Cushion Grip denture adhesive. However, help has finally arrived, because we have created the perfect alternative to Cushion Grip, and it is actually a significant upgrade. The...

New Denture Product Can Simplify Your Life

If you knew that a new denture product could make your life much easier, would you be willing to give it a try? Most people would answer this question in the affirmative, and we are happy to be able to tell you that our new denture product, DenSureFit, can save you...
© 2019-2022 DenSureFit and OTC Dental. Designed & Developed by Stellar Nine.
© 2019-2022 DenSureFit and OTC Dental.

Designed & Developed by Stellar Nine.

IMPORTANT! DenSureFit is not a substitute for a professional reline from your dentist. It is for temporary use only until a dentist can be seen. Long-term use of this product and similar products may lead to bone loss, continuing irritation, sores or other problem. NOT FOR USE on flexible nylon-based denture bases such as Flexite® or Valplast.®

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