(844) 682-3368
The top Denture Adhesive for You

Denture wearers often face challenges, one prevailing complaint being discomfort and ill-fitting dentures. This issue can impact daily life, affecting confidence, speech, and eating. However, there’s good news for those seeking a solution. DenSureFit, a revolutionary product, has emerged as a game-changer in addressing the primary concerns of denture wearers.

The Discomfort Dilemma

For denture wearers, discomfort is a significant drawback. Ill-fitting dentures can cause sore spots, rubbing against the gums, leading to pain and irritation. Traditional denture adhesives offer temporary relief but are not always effective in providing long-lasting comfort. Denture wearers often find themselves in a cycle of adjusting their dentures, seeking frequent dental visits, and still experiencing discomfort.

Enter DenSureFit

DenSureFit is a revolutionary, FDA-approved silicone-based kit designed to resolve the discomfort of ill-fitting dentures. It provides a custom-fit liner that creates a cushion between the denture and the gums. The kit consists of a silicone base and an adhesive that allows denture wearers to mold and reline their dentures at home, achieving a comfortable and secure fit.

How DenSureFit Works

Using DenSureFit is a straightforward process. The denture wearer applies the adhesive to the denture, gently presses it into place, and lets it set for about six minutes. The silicone material self-cures, adapting to the contours of the gums and ensuring a custom fit. DenSureFit forms a secure barrier that prevents food particles from getting trapped between the denture and the gum, reducing the risk of gum irritation and infection.

Benefits of DenSureFit

DenSureFit offers numerous advantages for denture wearers. Firstly, it provides exceptional comfort by eliminating pressure points and sore spots, resulting in a pain-free experience. The customized fit enhances stability, allowing individuals to confidently speak and eat. Additionally, DenSureFit’s long-lasting effects reduce the need for frequent dental visits and adjustments, saving time and money in the long run. It also offers improved oral hygiene by sealing the gaps between the denture and the gum, preventing bacteria buildup.

User Testimonials

DenSureFit has garnered positive feedback from denture wearers worldwide. Many users express relief from discomfort and improved confidence in their daily activities. They appreciate the convenience and affordability of DenSureFit, as it eliminates the need for frequent dental appointments and offers a long-lasting solution. 

When I found DenSureFit, my life changed. No more do I have to scrape glue from the roof of my mouth or tolerate loose-fitting dentures. I can eat things I couldn’t before without worry or concern. They fit with a seal and suction that gives great confidence.

I cannot imagine going back to a life without DenSureFit.

Thank you!!!


Durango, CO, 60 something

 For denture wearers struggling with discomfort and ill-fitting dentures, DenSureFit presents an excellent solution. By offering a custom fit, enhanced comfort, and long-lasting results, DenSureFit has transformed the lives of many individuals. Embracing this innovative product allows denture wearers to regain confidence and enjoy a pain-free experience.

  • Sale!

    Upper & Lower Denture Reline Kit

    Original price was: USD $114.98.Current price is: USD $91.98.
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  • DenSureFit Snug-Up Kit

    Upper Denture Reline Kit

    USD $64.99
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  • DenSureFit Kit

    Lower Denture Reline Kit

    USD $49.99
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  • DenSureFit Primer

    Extra Primer

    USD $20.99
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Life’s too short. Don’t miss out.

© 2019-2022 DenSureFit and OTC Dental. Designed & Developed by Stellar Nine.
© 2019-2022 DenSureFit and OTC Dental.

Designed & Developed by Stellar Nine.

IMPORTANT! DenSureFit is not a substitute for a professional reline from your dentist. It is for temporary use only until a dentist can be seen. Long-term use of this product and similar products may lead to bone loss, continuing irritation, sores or other problem. NOT FOR USE on flexible nylon-based denture bases such as Flexite® or Valplast.®

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