Getting Immediate Dentures and What to Expect

Getting Immediate Dentures and What to Expect

You researched the process of getting dentures. You celebrated your E-Day. You got through your first day of immediate dentures. You’re so happy to have your new teeth. You love your new smile. Everyone tells you how beautiful your new teeth are. Everything should be fantastic now.  New teeth mean that life is great, right?

New Teeth Not as Great as You Thought They Would Be?

The truth is, you probably wish you could whip them off the Empire State Building. They hurt. They’re way too big already. You have sore spots. You are frustrated and self-conscious, thinking they will fly out of your mouth, and everyone will stare. You’re tired of figuring out what to eat after having teeth pulled and dentures put in. It’s the immediate denture pain nearly every new denture wearer experiences.

I Hate Adhesive!

And then, there’s the adhesives. The stuff tastes terrible. It drips down your throat. You’ve even had to give up your morning cup of java because it dissolves the glue and makes that morning ritual of applying paste for nothing.  Forget about going out to eat with people. Your dentures get loose in the middle of the meal, and you end up hiding them in the bathroom to glue them back in so you can finish your meal. It’s just not worth it.


Help me, Dentist!

You ask your dentist for help, but she tells you to use more adhesive. So, you start scouring the internet for help. YouTube videos. Denture support groups. There is so much great info from denture wearers, but everyone’s situation differs. They talk about so many denture products. How do you know what is right for you? Who can you trust? What products can you trust? You’ve already spent a small fortune on your stockpile of adhesives and cleansers, and you are not ready to waste more money.

Finally, Your First Soft Reline from Your Dentist

Then, it is finally time to get a soft reline from your dentist. Yay! This is going to make everything better, you think. Your mouth tastes like a nail salon from your dentist’s reline, but it makes your dentures fit much better. So far, so good.

But this doesn’t last long. A week later, your denture is loose again, and you’re back in the same boat. You cannot afford a soft reline, and your health plan does not offer another for a few months.

Is there a better solution? Is there any relief? How does a new denture wearer keep their teeth snug and comfortable?

What is DenSureFit and Can it Help Me?

You see people on YouTube and Facebook raving about a denture product called DenSureFit. They say it has changed their lives, breaking the “bonds of adhesive.” Others say they still use a little adhesive powder over their liner, but they got rid of the adhesive paste. You are tempted to try it, but is this product for you?

Yes! DenSureFit Can Help!

Absolutely. DenSureFit is an excellent solution to help keep first-time denture wearer's teeth snug during that first year of constantly changing, ever-shrinking gums. You can think of DenSureFit just like you think of a soft reline from your dentist, except you are relining dentures at home with one of the best materials available to dentists. Better yet, you can do your snug-ups far more often with DenSureFit than you probably would be able to get soft relines from your dentist.

Remember that DenSureFit is not a substitute for the dentist. You should regularly visit your dentist to keep your dentures as snug as possible. DenSureFit is a remedy for loose dentures in between dentist visits.

How to Fix Loose Dentures

For the following discussion, we assume you have a properly made denture. We will assume that the impression of your palate was good and that the palate of your denture fits the roof of your mouth exactly. If your impressions were off and your palate does not fit perfectly to the roof of your mouth, you’ll have other issues besides the ones described here.

Your Gums are at Fault

After extractions, your gums no longer have the roots of your teeth to hold bone and tissue in place. So, the gums start changing shape and shrinking. As a result, your gums no longer fill the trough in your denture, and it becomes loose.

Your Palate is Innocent

The roof of your mouth (palate) does not change. The palate of your denture fits the same on day one as it fits years later. Your palate generally doesn’t contribute to denture looseness.

Your Suction Spot is Key!

Dentures are designed to be held in the roof of your mouth through suction. Your suction spot is your roof's highest, most rounded/curved part. When your gums fill your trough without voids or air pockets, your denture stays in your suction spot.

However, not all suction spots are created equal. If you were blessed with a high, rounded arch, thank your lucky stars because you should be able to get great suction. Flatter palates might not get good suction; sometimes, they cannot get any.

When your gums shrink, they no longer fill up the trough of your denture, so your denture no longer stays supported in your suction spot. It wiggles, rocks, and sometimes even falls.

Fill the Voids in Your Trough to Fix Your Denture Fitting Problems

You must fill your trough with something to keep your denture in your suction spot. Many people try to fill up the voids in their troughs daily with adhesive. Yes, the paste can provide volume in the trough and stickiness to keep it up there, but then it liquifies when eating and drinking and drips down the throat all day. Plus, it is tedious to remove at bedtime. You can keep doing this adhesive ritual day after day, but is there a better option to fill up your trough? One that stays there for a while and sets you free from constantly gluing your teeth in?

Fill the Voids with DenSureFit Silicone!

DenSureFit silicone fills the voids in your trough so your denture stays supported in your suction spot. When you apply the silicone to your denture and press it into your suction spot, it is forced to fill the voids and cures precisely where needed to keep the denture supported.

Make a New Impression!

DenSureFit transforms the inside of your denture with a new impression of your mouth. The silicone makes a very thin layer over the palate, which allows it to stay snuggled tight in your suction spot. Every nook and cranny is filled and recorded on this new impression. More silicone gets deposited in the trough, where you need it to fill the voids. As the silicone cures in your mouth, it adheres to your denture and stays there until you remove it, weeks or months later. Because silicone is a very lightweight impression material, you will have a fine, detailed impression of your mouth, which naturally makes for a better fit. The hard acrylic that your denture is made of is a heavy impression material. Heavy impression materials do not create fine, detailed impressions like the DenSureFit silicone. This is another reason you may find better suction is possible with DenSureFit on your denture than without it.

Create a New Seal, Like a New Scuba Mask

Think about a scuba or snorkeling mask. If there are any cracks on the seal, if it does not fit the face of the wearer properly, or if it has any oily residue, it will let air and water in, and they will not get suction. But, if it fits well and there are no breaks in the seal, air and water will be kept out, and suction will occur. Think of your denture in the same way. You can use the DenSureFit silicone to create a seal around the edges of your denture, keeping liquids, food, and air out and your denture in!

Fix Your Loose-fitting Denture Problems with DenSureFit

DenSureFit silicone is buildable. When your denture gets loose again, add more silicone to your liner in the trough area to snug it back up. You do not need to remove your liner if it is in good condition. Before you add more silicone, check to make sure there are no tears or holes in your liner, that it is not lifting at the edges, that it is perfectly clean and bacteria-free, and that it is free of discoloration (nicotine can cause discoloration and deterioration).

Eventually, you will want to remove your liner and start from scratch again. The starting impression your gums make today will be quite different a couple of months from now, and as you build the silicone, you might not get as good a fit as you did before. That means it is time to remove it and start the process again. People tend to replace their liners 3-4 times per year. You may need to do it more often during your first-year post-extraction.

How Much DenSureFit Will You Need?

You will likely use your entire DenSureFit kit to get your initial fit. Medium looseness usually requires two applicators of silicone, which is one DenSureFit kit. After your initial fit, you will need more silicone to chase your looseness. How much silicone you need will depend on how quickly your gums shrink and how large your voids are. Larger voids require more silicone. The rate at which you shrink determines how often you need to snug them up.

How Long Will This Initial Fit Last?

It depends on how quickly your gums are shrinking. It could be a few days, a week, or several weeks. You’ll have more shrinkage in your first few months of post-extraction. Eventually, the shrinking will slow down, and you can go longer between snug-ups. You’ll use far less product after your first year than during that challenging first year.

How Soon After My Extractions Can I Use DenSureFit?

DenSureFit should not be used immediately following extractions. You will need to consult your dentist before using DenSureFit. Ask your dentist when your gums are healed enough for a soft reline. When your dentist says that your gums are healed sufficiently to receive a soft reline, you can use DenSureFit. Premature use of DenSureFit (or any other reliner) could disrupt the natural healing process of your sockets.

What's the Difference Between "Cleared for Adhesive" and "Cleared for a Soft Reline?"

Being cleared for adhesive use does not mean you are also cleared for a soft reline. Adhesive clearance usually comes before clearance for a soft reline. Adhesive and DenSureFit are two completely different products and should not be considered or used in the same way. Always listen to your doctor!

Is DenSureFit Challenging to Apply?

DenSureFit is easy to apply. It also requires patience, preciseness, learning, and sometimes trial and error. Even dentists had to learn how to perform a soft reline, and you will need to learn as well. Not every dentist got their first reline perfect on the first try. They had to figure out what went wrong and fix it with a re-do. You might get your first application right and get a great fit immediately.  Most people do! But there is a possibility that you might not. And that’s okay! We get it! We offer fantastic customer support to help you figure it out. So, don’t get mad; contact us, and we will help! If you’d like a team member to walk you through your application, reach out. We are here to help you get the best fit possible.

Will DenSureFit Help with My Soreness?

People describe DenSureFit in all kinds of ways.

“It’s like marshmallows hugging my gums!”

“It's like a Tempurpedic mattress for dentures!”

The bottom line is that when the softness and cushioning of the silicone hug your gums instead of constantly rubbing and hitting a hard acrylic surface, yes, DenSureFit sure does help relieve soreness!

Will I be Able to Eat Better?

Eating also becomes more manageable. When your dentures fit better, you can bite and chew better and eat a greater variety of foods.

Will I be Able to Take My Denture In and Out Whenever I Want?

Want to get up in the morning for a run before you start your day without going through the adhesive ritual? You will likely be able to do so with DenSureFit. Pop those teeth right in and run out the door!

Do I Still Have to Remove My Denture at Night?

As most dentists will advise, you should remove your denture at the end of your day to allow your mouth to recuperate and breathe. This is also true for your DenSureFit-lined denture.

How do I Care for My DenSureFit-lined Denture?

You can soak your denture in your denture cleanser as you normally would. While a denture brush is acceptable for the outside of your teeth, you should switch to a soft brush on your liner. Brush gently to avoid making tiny tears in your liner. Tears in your liner can allow bacteria and moisture to get in between your liner and your denture.

Will I Need Denture Adhesive After I Reline My Denture with DenSureFit?

Many people can go adhesive-free by using DenSureFit. If you feel like you need the extra security that adhesive offers, you will probably be able to switch from pastes to powder adhesive, which most say is a vast improvement. Most report that powder adhesive sticks to the DenSureFit better than pastes, but it does not stick to their gums and the roof of the mouth as pastes do.

Choose DenSureFit to Travel this Bumpy Road with You

We hope you will choose to travel through your denture journey with DenSureFit alongside you. DenSureFit can be your best denture friend…always dependable, helping you make necessary adjustments as your gums change, yet staying your rock-solid friend. If you are getting immediate dentures, we hope this helps you understand what you might expect. We also hope that DenSureFit will significantly help you adjust to immediate dentures.

More questions? Call or email DenSureFit!

You may call us at 844-682-3368 with questions or to discuss your situation. You may also email us via our website. To order DenSureFit and for more info, click here.

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